National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association

NMMAA receives the President's Lifetime Achievement Award
Most Prestigious Award
The President’s Lifetime Achievement Award is reserved for the rare individual who has completed more than 4,000 hours of service over the course of their life.
This award recognizes the accomplishments of the National Medical Malpractice Advocate Association in civil and social rights advocacy.
NMMAA will continue to fight for those who can't fight for themselves.
Restorative Justice Initiative
We advocate the development of programs and practices that directly address the needs of those impacted by medical malpractice. In our world or efforts are focused on making things right by addressing the needs of those harmed through medical errors. Our processes are to connect the dots and involve impartial facilitators who role is to guide the process according to the principles of restorative justice. Although medical malpractice victims are coined outside agitators and litigious, we only want the truth and a solution that will benefit both sides of the spectrum.
We have helped numerous people across this country find solutions to their pressing needs. That has always been our goal!
NMMAA participating in challenge of Texas Caps
Plaintiff in Ground-Breaking Lawsuit
The National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association will be a Plaintiff in a ground-breaking lawsuit to challenge the Texas cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases, Winnett et al v. Frank et al, Civil Action 20-1155 in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division.
Medical Malpractice Month
Signature Initiative
H.R. 614 Texas Legislature
The National Medical Malpractice Advocacy association is the first organization in history to receive recognition through Proclamations on a local, state, and national level. We began this initiative in 2015 as a way to give recognition to those harmed by medical errors. We recognize this every July. Individuals and firms across the nation participate in bringing awareness to the 3rd leading cause of death in America.
NMMAA continues to work diligently with local, state and national leaders across this county and is proud to announce that July has been proclaimed and/or acknowledge as Medical Malpractice Month in several states across this nations.
Medical Malpractice Awareness Month main objective is to bring about awareness, to ensure transparency in that the American people and people all over the world have the right to transparency and safer health care measures. Through unity and education and the bringing together of like-minded individuals, the NMMAA as an organization will “END THE SILENCE” by providing Hope and promoting Healing and by allowing Honor to the memories of all those injured or lost due to medical negligence.
Hope that all local, state, national and federal agencies will be committed to fighting for injustices and disparities in our health care system;
Healing the hurt and the pain of the hearts of those that have been affected by medical negligence by providing them with direction, services and support and by allowing them a voice for change;
Honor and value the citizen’s rights of the United States for accountability and transparency and protect them from all harm and danger by ensuring that each individual has the right to obtain crucial and important information when making a health or medical decision.
“No man or entity should possess the power to withhold pertinent information that could result in the ending of a life.)
~Deirdre Gilbert Dickson, National Director of the National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association
Cancel the Cap Legislation
Bill History & Bipartisan Support
When it comes to championing victims’ rights, Attorney Joseph Cammarata doesn’t hesitate to take on formidable, powerful opponents.
Nancy’s case inspired Mr. Cammarata to spearhead efforts to change Virginia law to hold medical wrongdoers fully accountable for the harms and losses they caused to the victims of their negligence.
He brought the issue to the attention of State Sen. Bill Stanley (R-District 20) who agreed to be the chief patron of a bill to change the law. Sen. Stanley introduced legislation known as SB 1107. State Sen. Scott Surovell (D-District 36) is a co-patron of the bill.
For more information visit
On the Road With Medical Malpractice
At The National Medical Malpractice Advocacy Association, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing this issue. This is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support. The order # is CMD19120476.